There are many different marketing strategies – all of which need to be carried out effectively for a law firm to prosper. Stay in contact with your network with non-spammy marketing is just one piece of advice you can find from Gladiator Law Marketing if you are unsure about the strategies. There is one type of marketing, in particular, that lawyers seem to be neglecting though: content marketing.
We would expect that, in a profession that requires such a grasp of the spoken word, we would see more lawyers getting serious about publishing, but it’s surprising to see how many lawyers publish very little or not at all. Little do they know that content marketing might be the single most powerful tool any lawyer or law firm can use to spread the word about their business.
Some may be discouraged because they tried to establish a content marketing plan in the past but failed. But, in many cases, it’s not the method but the way that it is implemented that was at fault. Here are a few reasons why all lawyers should be publishing and some tips to establish a winning strategy.
Writing is the Best Self Promotion Method
The phrase “publish or perish” is often heard in academic circles. This is the idea that academics need to constantly be publishing academic papers if they want to remain relevant and maintain their career, so much so that some academics will not hesitate to pay for their articles to be published.
Thankfully, lawyers aren’t as dependant on publishing, but they can still use content to showcase their expertise and establish themselves as an authority in their niche. Not only that, but they will present themselves as an actual resource to potential clients and will be able to build a relationship based on trust.
Strong Content Creates a Gravitational Pull
SEO, or search engine optimization, is the science of getting the most visibility on search engine results. And, there is nothing more powerful in SEO than strong content that generates attention for the right reasons.
Strong content gets referred to by major publications that have authority in your niche. This content then gets propelled in front a whole new set of eyes and moves up the search results. This will then allow your site to gain more visibility and your brand to get more links and mentions, all things that can improve your rankings.
Good Content Isn’t Enough
However, while great content can do a lot for visibility, this is not the end. Even if you get a lot of mentions and links to your site, all of this will be for naught if you don’t have a solid on page content strategy.
This not only includes having a blog with useful resources and keyword rich content centered around your brand or niche but making sure that your site is performing as well. Poorly laid out websites with poorly made front pages and slow loading speeds will get you penalized with search engines. That’s why it’s essential that you consider working with a web design team that is specialized in law firm web design. Teams like Just Legal Marketing for instance have years of experience working with these types of sites and know how to build a website that will catch the attention of visitors and turn them into leads.
If lawyers were to only use one method to advertise their service, it should be publishing vital content that reaches their core audience. This is the best and only way to build an instant rapport with the people you want to eventually turn into clients. So, you should visit a company like Elite Lawyer Management ( for any additional information or advice that you would like to receive in this specific area before making any further choices about how you would like to proceed with your own publishing methods.