4 Ways to Reward Your Remote Workers

Thanks to COVID-19 and the development of new technology, many people are wondering what the future of remote work holds for businesses. Remote workers take up a large number of employees in the modern age, where the internet and communications technology have enabled businesses to keep in touch with each other from anywhere in the world, either by email, social media, instant message platforms and Skype calls.

It can be tricky for business owners to manage remote workers, not just to improve their productivity, but also to make sure they are happy and feel like they are an important part of the business. One way to do so is to reward them for their efforts, and here are four ways you can do just that:

Online Rewards

The majority of stores, coffee shops and restaurants have online reward schemes and gift cards, and one way for you to reward remote employees for their hard work is to send them an email with a gift attached and a thank you message to let them know that you are thinking of them and are happy with all the effort they are putting in.

From Starbucks to cinema tickets, there are plenty of options available that will go down well once the rewards are received. You should also make sure that you give them a call (preferably on FaceTime or Skype so they can see your face) to congratulate them personally, and let them know how appreciated they are.

Time Off Vouchers

A fun way to reward your employees is to issue time off vouchers. These are vouchers with a time written on it – whether it’s 15, 30 or 60 minutes – and when you receive one, the employee can cash them in at the time of their choice. It’s a nice way to recognize the work your remote workers are putting in, and give them the opportunity to get away from the desk for some free time on occasion. They will thank you for it.

Take Them Out for The Day

Remote workers are unlikely to get to know others in the office, or other remote workers, at least not beyond an email address or an instant message. By organizing a day out for all the team, they’ll get their chance to get to know everybody a little more, and build work relationships beyond the computer screen.

A great example is to visit the Escape Room Plano and other cities are popular for, which are superb for team building exercises as you have to work together to solve mysteries and tasks within a 60 minute time limit. There will be a mixture of arguments and laughs throughout, but the team will be closer at the end of the day.

Face-to-Face Meetings

Business owners are likely to have performance reviews with their remote employees every three to six months or so. Unless they are on the opposite side of the world, you should really try to make the meetings face-to-face, and take them to lunch or for a coffee. Not only will you get what you need, but you will also have the chance to reward your remote workers at the same time, while building a closer working relationship with them. It will also give them the opportunity to voice any concerns or issues in a comfortable environment with you right in front of them rather than over the phone or via email.


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