5 Ways SEO Can Transform Your Business in 2022

The digital age saw the rise of social media apps like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Yet, many people forget that this new age also ushered in advanced marketing techniques and trends for businesses everywhere.

This rise in digitisation also brought with it a new term- search engine optimisation, or SEO. A marketing strategy for the ages, this technique has the ability to provide your business with greater searchability and visibility. Two factors that are non negotiable in modern business.

Cost effective and in it for the long term, this modern approach to internet ranking has the potential to introduce any one brand to a wider audience, while also working to help the brand optimise user experience. All of which results in increased revenue.

Changing business landscape

The pandemic certainly changed things for a lot of organisations. Many companies found that embracing the latest trends, particularly in relation to technology, helped their workers and customers adapt to the current state of the world.

With an increasing number of facets to everyday life now online, it makes sense that marketing strategies would also head down this path. The undeniable power of the internet’s reach is just too alluring.

By embracing these advanced trends, an organisation has the ability to reach customers like  never before. With a few simple clicks and keystrokes, an interested party can find your online profile and within seconds know if they are going to engage with you.

Increased appearance and reachability in this changing landscape is highly beneficial. However, for some it may prove disastrous. If a website and promotional approach hasn’t been optimised, clients are mere seconds away from a competitor’s enhanced site.

Defining SEO

An underperforming website doesn’t have to be your organisation’s legacy. With the help of SEO, smart and considered steps can be taken. Over time, these steps will result in improved online and website presence and better Google rankings.

With thousands of people searching Google every second, it truly is a vast resource. However, before you can enjoy a high rank on this web powerhouse, on page and off page changes need to be made.

The term on page refers to things like keyword targeting and implementation, content creation and speed optimisation. All things which take place on the site. Whereas off page encompasses link building, social media and email advertising.

Employing a different approach to webpage management can truly power businesses to new heights. Increasing customer traffic and conversion rates while also promoting brand awareness and trust. All necessary ingredients in the recipe for success. 

5 ways SEO can impact your business

If a webpage doesn’t rank highly, there is little to no chance that potential clients can find your company. That’s why SEO is so effective. By enhancing appearance and usability, a previously floundering site can work their way up the rankings, resulting in numerous benefits.

Organic search is the leading source of website traffic

Research has found that organic searches are the primary source of website traffic. In fact, nearly 80% of people ignore paid ads that appear in search results. So, by having a website that is naturally optimised, your organisation is likely to welcome more online traffic.

Improved user experience

Consumers know what they want. If they can’t find it on the home screen or under the appropriate headings, they will search for a different enterprise. SEO improves the purchaser experience by creating a webpage that is quick loading, easy to navigate and engaging.

This serves to make the journey for your customers seamless. It is also worth noting that Google recognises favourable user experiences and will therefore reward you by providing a higher ranking.

Bypass the competition

Picture two companies, both in the same industry with on par products and prices. One has an optimised webpage, the other doesn’t. With everything else being equal, consumers will go for the company who offers the faster and more seamless purchaser experience.

SEO builds brand authority and trust

When a particular organisation appears on the first pages of major search engines, individuals are more likely to trust the company to deliver the goods or service they are after. This kind of implicit authority increases credibility which leads to better conversion rates.

Long term and cost-effective method

When compared to paying for targeted ads and top spots on search engine pages, this advertising strategy is relatively cheap in the scheme of things. Furthermore, research proves that it works. It also has quantifiable benefits to your business that will last for years. 

Transforming your business one click at a time with SEO

In the modern age, the importance of efficiently finding information and quickly buying products cannot be underestimated. With virtually everything available at the click of a button, many companies have been forced to change their advertising strategies.

No longer able to convince potential clients by paying for sponsored ads or top spots on search engines, companies have to work harder than ever to win a consumer’s trust. With the invention of improved technology, the most effective way to do this is through SEO.

Small and yet smart changes can be made to webpages, strengthening everything from content and scrolling time to readability and visibility. Affording you better chances of attracting the right buyers and converting their interest into sales.

Author’s Bio

Maddy has a journalism background and is an aspiring novelist. Proud dog mum to two border collies TJ and Max and has the ability to decipher any Taylor Swift song lyrics hidden meanings.

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Madeline Pappas



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