Streamlining your business is the key to success, but oftentimes, businesses only focus on the obvious things. They focus on streamlining aspects of their business such as employee performance, production tasks, backend work, and other large, complex processes that take quite a bit of effort to get right.
What if we told you your business could see a dramatic boost by simply changing the type of packaging you use around the office and when mailing out small to mid-sized parcels?
Well, you can.
Something as small, and seemingly insignificant, as the bags you use, can make a big impact on your profit margins.
Don’t believe us just yet? Check this out.
Paper Bags Cut Your Costs
Utilizing plastic might seem cheap, but consider how much you go through and how much it costs if you want custom-printed options. The price can quickly climb, and every bag you throw in the bin is money wasted. In business, that’s no good.
Paper bags seem relatively comparable in price until you factor in the costs involved in having them printed with high-value imagery we’ll discuss shortly. With paper bags, that process is easy, and it requires little more than a printer and some ink. With plastic, things get a bit more complicated, and the manufacturer of the bags has to increase their prices to make up for that complex manufacturing process.
So, even if the price of one plain bag vs another is fairly comparable, paper comes out on top when you start adding the things that really benefit your company.
Easy Exposure Opportunities
Let’s say a customer comes into your business and makes a purchase or signs up for your service. If you place their product, or the information packet you offer them, into a plain bag, they leave, forget your name five minutes later, and go about enjoying their day.
However, if you put the same item in a bag that is cleverly and professionally designed to include your brand imagery in a standout way, they’re now looking at your brand and being reminded of your existence the entire way home. More so, let’s say they’re responsible and save it for another use. Every time they use it, they see your brand.
This can go a long way towards building brand recognition that directly converts to higher repeat customers.
Brand Alignment with the Green Movement
Of course, paper bags can also benefit your company by appealing to the morality and ethics of your customers. Customers are tired of seeing a blatant disregard for the environment via reckless use of plastic and various other destructive habits.
Using paper bags aligns you with that demand from your customers. It shows that you also care about the environment, and you want to make a difference. In turn, they want to support you more.
Paper Bags are Worth it
Making the switch from plastic to paper bags might be a bit of a hassle at first, and if you have a substantial stockpile of plastic, it might seem wasteful to just switch over. However, it’s totally worth it.
By buying paper bags today, you can save money, increase your brand recognition, and align yourself with your customers’ values.
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