Birmingham Business Enhancement: A Digital Guide

For decades, Birmingham has sat at the beating heart of the UK economy, producing nation-conquering businesses that fuel industry in cities like Inverness and Plymouth. It’s a city that has provided thousands of jobs and has been a powerhouse of innovation. It has also been home to a multitude of entrepreneurs, inventors, and academics, making it an important part of the country’s history and culture.

In the modern era, digital solutions such as cloud computing, data analytics, and SEO offer the opportunity to conquer not just the UK, but the whole of the EU and indeed the world – taking their trade to the global marketplace.

In this handy guide, you’ll learn some of the basic principles by which you can expand your business to a more global scale, boosting Birmingham’s incredible business output in 2020 and beyond.

Act Local, Think Global

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with maintaining a distinctive regional tone and attitude while operating on a global scale. In fact, being rooted in one spot is a great way to anchor your tone of voice, brand character, and product descriptions in the modern business era – making customers more comfortable when trading with you.

To do this, consider the following ways to promote your Birmingham-based business in such a way as to show off the assets that the region has to offer:

  • Use some local slang in your social media marketing
  • Be open to using significant Birmingham place names in your product listings
  • Create a ‘brand story’ page on your website that promotes the business in the city
  • Feel comfortable forming partnerships with other local businesses that’ll help you operate on a global scale

By thinking local but acting globally, you’ll be able to bridge the divide between regional culture and the global marketplace with ease – leading to sales in far-flung countries and cities.

Boosting Your SEO

Operating a business is the same in Birmingham as it is in Hanoi, Buenos Aires or Ontario: you need to find a way to become the most relevant brand, in your industry and across the world. This means engaging companies that offer Search engine optimisation in Birmingham and competing on multiple fronts in a marketing dash from which only the caniest and best-equipped businesses will truly benefit.

Try the following marketing techniques in order to boost your SEO ranking and experience more global traffic through to your website:

  • Write a company blog, using keywords to boost your SEO rating on Google
  • Link your business to social media – which is, of course, necessarily global in scale
  • Establish link-sharing partnerships with local and international business allies
  • Use existing customer data to target specific global consumers with bespoke marketing material

These techniques – offered by SEO-boosting experts like Click Intelligence – will build your brand visibility around the world, helping your Brum-based business soar to new heights.

Look for Local Recognition

When your business begins performing more effectively in the global marketplace, it’s time to turn your attention back to Birmingham, where there’ll be many proud locals, businesses and councillors keen to share your success story.

The finest way to utilise this attention is to win a couple of local, regional or event national awards, and display these on your website masthead to show your success on a global scale. Attend local industry events, and give back to growing businesses, in order to help boost the Birmingham economy as a whole through your business’ success.

There you have it: a simple guide to boosting your Birmingham business’ ambitions through digital outreach and global strategies.



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