Art Creative Ltd

Online Marketing Archive


Martin Castilla            No comments            Oct, 29
A very common problem that is faced a lot nowadays, a brand creating an Instagram account with the hopes of getting thousands of followers who will be exposed to their products. But unfortunately, a month goes by and the

Making Social Media Work for Your Business

Martin Castilla            No comments            Apr, 1
It’s a fact that a lot of businesses fail at social media marketing and in the current digital climate, they really can’t afford to do so. Social media is dominating marketing strategies for companies all over the world and

5 Strategies To Grow Your Business Using Instagram

Martin Castilla            No comments            Feb, 1
When it comes to marketing, graphics and imagery play a significant part. The visual appeal is important to captivate the target consumers. Thus, Instagram serves as a valuable and effective network that if used wisely, can contribute a great

How to Make Your Email Marketing Better In 2018?

Martin Castilla            No comments            Jan, 12
Some people believe that email marketing is dead and shouldn’t be a part of any business’ integrated marketing plan. However, the truth is that email marketing yields very high ROIs, even in smaller niche segments.

How To Set Up A Google AdWords Campaign

Martin Castilla            No comments            Jan, 4
Businesses today are increasingly seeing the value of online advertising as a viable alternative to traditional marketing and advertising methods. But setting up a Google AdWords campaign requires thoughtful planning and a considered approach to make sure you are

Top 5 Things to Handle for WordPress Website Management

Martin Castilla            No comments            Nov, 24
The open-source content management system (CMS) WordPress is the world’s leading platform for building websites. According to Forbes, roughly one in four websites use it. WordPress is fast, versatile, user friendly and fully customizable. When running a WordPress site,

Five Facebook Marketing Tips to Try Right Now

Martin Castilla            No comments            Nov, 3
Everyone is on Facebook these days. It’s just so hard to quit, which is why you must have a Facebook marketing strategy as well. One thing that is quite popular are explainer videos that give a short and sweet

The Tools That Every Designer Should Have

Martin Castilla            No comments            Sep, 6
When it comes to being a great designer, it’s not just talent and flare that you need.As designers, we’re also fortunate enough to have at our disposal tools to help us reach our end goal. Providers of framed prints,

How the Internet Has Changed Advertising

Martin Castilla            No comments            Sep, 5
Advertising is about time and place. If you’re not advertising where your customers are, then you’ll miss them – and your money will be wasted. And it’s never been more important to be on top of the latest advertising

Raising Brand Awareness: Online and Offline Strategies

Martin Castilla            No comments            Jul, 30
While it is true that in 2017 almost everyone is online, offline marketing strategies are not to be neglected either. You see, the rule of seven claims that in order for a potential client to become a paying customer,

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