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Small Business Archive

Cultivating a Culture of Excellence: Fostering Success in Your Business

Content Admin            No comments            Mar, 23
Creating a culture of excellence is essential for businesses aiming to achieve sustainable success and outperform their competitors. Such a culture not only drives employee engagement and satisfaction but also enhances productivity, innovation, and customer satisfaction. In this article,

Importance of payroll software to small businesses

Martin Castilla            No comments            Oct, 8
It has been challenging for most small business owners to run and be responsible for every operation. From overseeing back-office tasks, sales, and marketing success to managing employees’ payments- a significant part in ensuring a happy and motivated staff. 

The Best Way to Dress Up for A Big Presentation at Work

Martin Castilla            No comments            Apr, 26
While workplaces are becoming more casual, it is still vital to pay attention to your dressing during a presentation. Your audience will judge your dressing to determine if you are worth their time. Therefore, it pays to put a

Online Business 101 – Getting Started

Martin Castilla            No comments            Jan, 28
Most people have a pretty clear idea in their head as to why they’re eager to start their own online business. This is usually a combination of wanting to make their own decisions about how they spend their time,

How to Start a Podcast: a Complete Guide for Startups

Martin Castilla            No comments            Sep, 2
Podcast listenership is growing tremendously. About 90 million Americans listen to podcasts every month. As a business owner, starting a podcast is something that can help you reach a wider audience and expand your business. You don’t need to

3 Ways to Build a Strong Web Presence for Your Small Business

Martin Castilla            No comments            May, 1
These days, any small business that isn’t placing an emphasis on creating and maintaining a strong web presence isn’t likely to see the growth and increased brand recognition that they need. In 2020, so much of business is conducted

The Significant Role That Small Businesses Play in Road Safety

Martin Castilla            No comments            Dec, 12
Human error accounts for 94% of road accidents, according to Digital Trends. This can be something as small as an employee changing radio channels while behind the wheel. Sadly, if a road accident involves your employee, the chances are

Top 4 Government Contract Financing Options for Small Businesses

Martin Castilla            No comments            Oct, 7
Every year, the US federal government awards billions worth of contracts to private companies in the country. Acquiring government contracts is a great opportunity for small business owners to generate more revenue and expand business operations. But fulfilling these

How to Start a Small Construction Business

Martin Castilla            No comments            Sep, 27
Starting a business is not super easy but doing everything in your power to keep that business up and running is even more difficult. However, there are certain things you not only can but should do, that will make

5 Crucial Things to Consider When Buying a Small Business

Martin Castilla            No comments            Sep, 27
Image source The online market is highly competitive and overcrowded. Many business owners simply cannot compete in such conditions and are forced to sell their company. However, with all the difficulties that the online market imposes, there are also

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