Well, many of you who are going read through these proposed ways of landing more business may conclude that they’re not creative at all, but given the nature of the business environment these days, implementing these strategies makes for somewhat of a radical step. Furthermore, you need to apply a little bit of your own creativity to them, so that’s essentially where the creative part of the equation comes into play.
After all, nobody can relay to you a step-by-step strategy, blueprint or plan and then call it creative if it is being copied in this way. It’s only creative at the level of being deployed by the person who created it.
Nevertheless, when times could be better or indeed if you’re just seeking to take your business to the next level in sales, here are some strategies you can implement creatively.
Tailor your service to a specific, local market
The globalization power of the internet has the downside of encouraging people in business to think too big, too quickly. While the online landscape provides unprecedented opportunities, it’s crucial, especially for you as a service provider, to start with your local market first. If you are a handyman, for example, providing your services to people you can reach and interact with on a daily basis lays a solid foundation for your business. You can also consider utilizing handyman estimating software, which can be particularly beneficial for your business. Such software can streamline the process of providing estimates to customers in your local area, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. By focusing on your local community, you can establish a strong presence and rapport. This approach not only fosters local trust but also sets the stage for sustainable growth as you gradually expand beyond your local market.
Do joint ventures
Identify other businesses which would lose absolutely nothing by adding your product or service offering to their existing offer. Aim for complementary businesses, such as how if someone is booking holiday accommodation and you’re perhaps an activities sales agent, do a joint venture with the property-booking platform and have them offering your service as an extra.
Create a referral programme
Depending on which market you’re in and which product or service you’re selling, a referral programme could very well even be better than a joint venture. Basically you compensate people for referring clients to you, which is a great model to take on to try and land more business since some people who go on to sign up to your affiliate programme may be extremely gifted in sales. Most online vendors already have affiliate programmes and there’s a very good reason for this – it helps boost sales.
Demonstrate unwavering faith in your product or service delivery
This is perhaps the best form of drawing in some business from clients who perhaps have many options to choose from, which inevitably means they would have had less of a chance of noticing what you have to offer, let-alone finally settling with you as the product seller or service provider. So what you do is show some unwavering faith in your product or service, but in a way that doesn’t cost you anything – neither as far as the bottom line goes nor the time, money and effort you put into the campaign to advertise this offer.
So to make use of a real-world example, as a Fort Wayne workers compensation lawyer, Delventhal Law has a policy which has you as their client paying nothing until they actually win the case for you! That’s a perfect example of how this demonstration of faith in their offering takes nothing away from them as a company and from the client too, sure to grab the attention of many more prospects.