Energy Saving Tips

Our homes are all built differently and all therefore all emit different amounts of energy. By making a few changes to our homes we can improve our energy saving levels both for eco-friendly reasons and for money saving benefits.

Here are some tips you can follow to increase the energy rating of your home.


A first step to drastically reduce the loss of heat and therefore the costs of energy bills in your home is to get your home insulated properly.

Cavity wall insulation can reduce heat loss by 33%

Double Glazing

High rated double glazed windows can help reduce heat loss by 33% whilst reducing draughts, cold spots and energy bills. In addition to this, there are various window treatments out there that can help them make them even more energy-efficient. If this is something you are interested in exploring, you could take a look at people like these Home & Building Window Tinting Experts in Greenwood to see whether their services could be a good option for you and your home.

Around the Home

It may be a good idea to make sure that all of the heating appliances are in good working order because, if they aren’t, it could affect the electricity bill causing you to pay more than the usual.

For instance, if your water heater is acting faulty, it may draw a lot of current which will increase your electricity charges. So, try to get a replacement water heater so that you can cut your heating bills.

Reducing your thermostat by 1C can cut heating bills by 10%. You can also put reflective foil behind your radiators as half of the heat gets wasted through the back.

Use energy saving light bulbs and turn lights off when you’re not in the room.

Frequent maintenance and repair of your inefficient air conditioning unit (if you need an AC repair service, get it now..) might aid you in saving extra money on your electricity bills.

Don’t leave your phone charging all night and turn off appliance and plugs when they are not in use.

Front Door

Get draught proof door frames and use draught excluders.

Opt out of junk mail and go paperless where possible.


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