Newbie Web Designer? How to Profit from Day One!

In this day and age, following career paths such as that of a web designer is akin to investing in acquiring credentials in some of those “safe” careers of yesteryear, quite simply because of all the opportunities one has if they want to make their career in web design. There is one major challenge most newbie web designers face though when they’re finished acquiring their web design skills through self-tutoring or via official academic channels, that being the need to start making money immediately.

Those web designers who choose to go the conventional path of looking for a web design job, whether remotely or with a media house they’d subsequently be commuting to, have it the hardest because what they often find is that experience is what counts in landing that stable web design job with an internet marketing firm. And if you’re fresh out of school or you’re fresh off of an online tutorial you’ve completed you probably can’t point to any sort of portfolio which would attest to your experience.

We’ve put together a basic framework you can follow if your need to make money as a newbie web designer is more of a pressing one and yet you want to build up a portfolio demonstrating your growing experience in the process.

Step 1: Pick a niche you’re passionate about

So for our case study I’m going to select a niche I’m passionate about personally, which is current affairs, including politics. I think this makes for a great example to go with in order to demonstrate that you can essentially choose any niche you want and not have to go with those niches you think are the hottest.

Step 2: Build a web application around your niche

So you’d then proceed to build a website, blog or any other type of web application which focuses on your niche. The idea is that you’ll be honing your web design skills through the creation of a project that matters to you and this will also give you the drive to keep at it and put in the requisite work to see it out to completion.

Step 3: Monetise your web application

There are so many different ways through which to monetise any web application, whether it’s slapping some advertising on your blog or website, selling its app equivalent in an app store or even exploring some direct monetisation channels which come inherent with your niche. I for example like to bet on politics and if you want an example of what sort of political betting I’m talking about, you can view the full range of politics betting markets over at William Hill.

In addition to discussing my political bets and their associated strategies on my blog (on my web application), I’d endeavour to monetise it through the likes of maybe adding a member’s area in which I share my political betting strategies in more detail, but what’s important here is that I’ve spent my time building a web application which in itself can generate an income, while at the same time I can use this live project as a part of my portfolio of finished works if I still want to go out and look for a web design job.




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