The Future of the Remote Working Culture

More and more companies are announcing that remote work will be permanent, even if there are no travel restrictions or social dissociations. Given that new and innovative technologies are making remote work a reality for many people in the United States and around the world, the growing popularity of companies looking for employees from afar should come as no surprise.

Emerging remote working trends

Young professionals may be telependants, but long-distance work will also become the norm for millennials and Gen Z. The way has already been paved by recruiting software that’s geared towards facilitating engagements between employers and employees who are keen to forge a remote working relationship. In the 21st century, companies will finally recognize that women have achieved the same level of success in the workplace as their male counterparts. Employees will be able to work from anywhere in their lives rather than living at work, and one day the office may prove to be a strange, alien way of working. The future of freelance work will be a happier workforce, it will determine the work of those who do it, not just the companies.

Nobody knows exactly what the future holds for us, but there is no doubt that certain remote work will play a key role in job development in the years to come. GAT Labs firmly believes that open culture of remote work will determine our future of work in the years ahead, but as companies move to give remote work permanent residences, the future of the workforce will be more scattered than what we see today.

Adapt or die

Companies that are not prepared to adapt to this aspect of remote working will not be competitive for long when it comes to hiring staff. This will be a challenge for more companies to consider, as the increasing introduction of free movement work has opened the door for many companies to adopt a more global approach to hiring and even adopt a predominantly remote culture, a new trend of work from everywhere.

Note that the work culture of a company from afar might be the same as a traditional work culture, but it can also look radically different. The skills that help a remote work culture succeed are perhaps as important as those that helped traditional work cultures succeed, and even more so.

Literally going beyond working hours

In some cases, remote work can go beyond the typical 9-5 and give workers the freedom to choose the time and place of their work. It doesn’t have to span the 9-to-5 range, which can be a good or bad thing depending on how the company chooses to do it.

The freedom of choice in remote control allows you to work independently of others and work wherever you want. Deciding that co-working spaces are particularly popular with remote workers is fantastic and the freedom to choose to work independently from others is great. Remote working has disadvantages, however; the sense of belonging of workers at home seems to be worse.


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