Why Should You Base Your E-Commerce Business on the Magento Platform?

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One of the hardest things when it comes to starting an e-commerce store is choosing a platform to base it on. Many entrepreneurs opt for the WordPress solution because of its popularity and ease of use. However, if you’re looking for something different because you don’t think WordPress is right for you, you should consider Magento for the following reasons.

Excellent Community Support

No CMS (Content Management System) is perfect, not even Magento. However, the benefit of using such a platform for your e-commerce store is that it comes with excellent community support. This means you can join an online forum and get the help you need to solve any website issues instead of paying over the odds on an agency to do the work for you. There are thousands of websites online that provide Magento support. Many of these resources have hundreds of professional Magento developers that are ready to help you whenever you need it.

A Scalable Solution to Grow with Your Business

One of the many reasons why small businesses start using Magento is simply because it’s scalable – it will grow as your business does. There are plenty of features and plugins that can be enabled at any point in the future – whenever you’re ready to start growing. Magento makes it very easy for newbie developers and even easier for those with development experience. Anyone can start an e-commerce store using the Magento platform, and anyone can grow their business thanks to the scalability it provides.

Easy to Customize

With little development experience, Magento isn’t going to be easy to customise. However, professionals who do have development experience love working with Magento, because it makes it easy for them to get the results they need. Bing Digital Magento Agency, for example, could make the customisations you need quickly and effortlessly – so you can concentrate on running your business as normal.

One CMS, Multiple E-Commerce Stores

Should you want to start a new store in the future that sells another line of products, you can do that by using just one installation of Magento. With other CMS platforms out there, it would get very confusing if you’re accepting multiple payments from different methods for different product lines. However, it’s very easy to achieve thanks to the Magento solution. One CMS for multiple sites will also keep things much cheaper and pain-free in the future should you want to expand even further.

Search Engine Friendly

The developers of the Magento platform made search engine friendliness their number one priority over the last 10 years. With search engines constantly updating their algorithms and the way they work, Magento is constantly updating their platform. This means that any content you provide to your audience is going to have the best chance of converting in the search engines. More organic traffic will only lead to more conversions – something that’s very important if you’re looking to take your e-commerce store further.

Magento won’t be able to match the likes of WordPress in terms of popularity and maybe even community support. However, what you’re going to get with Magento is an opensource platform that’s flexible, high performing, and easy to customise and grow with your business in the future.



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