While you do need an education and license to hold various jobs within the beauty industry, the time you spent in school will be worth it in the long run. In fact, it’s the education you get that makes it possible for you to start your own beauty-related business with innovative Beauty Technology. With a bit of creativity and persistence, you can easily start any of these beauty-related business options without draining your bank account.
Massage Therapist
Once you obtain your massage therapist license, you can start your own business from the comfort of your home. You would work from home to schedule all of your appointments and handle any marketing and admin tasks but go to your client’s home or office for their appointment.
It’s easy to find massage equipment online, including tables that fold up so they are easy to move from location to location. You can also purchase a wide range of massage oils and other necessities you need to create personalized experiences for each of your clients.
Event Hair Stylist
If you’re a hairstylist, you can easily start your own business without spending a small fortune. Instead of opening a shop, you should consider becoming a hairstylist who works events – like a wedding hairstylist. You could even join a mobile barbers network if you wanted to style men’s hair too. Because you don’t have the added expenses that come with having a physical location, your overhead and start-up costs remain low. Instead of styling your client’s hair at a salon, you would travel to the event location to provide the service. You don’t have to know how to do overly elaborate styles to make this type of business work, either. A few simple roll-up hair bun styles and other updos are all you’d need to know.
Become a Beauty Blogger on YouTube
There are tons of beauty bloggers on YouTube who are very successful, and all of them start out by posting makeup tutorials and product reviews on their channel. So, if you have a place in your home with good lighting and a smartphone or tablet that records video, you can get started quickly. Simply use the makeup you already have at home to create your first videos.
Focus on building your fanbase, and once you have decent traction, reach out to cosmetic companies offering to complete reviews or tutorials using their products in exchange for product samples so you have plenty of up-to-date content to share consistently.
Beauty bloggers make money in a few different ways. You can monetize your YouTube channel using the site’s ad network. Then, when someone clicks on advertisements from your videos, you receive a small amount of money. If you have a lot of traffic going to your channel, this money ads up. Also, you can become an affiliate for various online retailers and brands. Then, when someone purchases products through the affiliate links you place in the video description, you make money.
Create an Online Course
With platforms like Teachable and Thinkrific, it’s easier than ever to create your own online course. Consider creating a course on skincare, makeup application, or specific hairstyles. Pretty much any beauty-related problem someone has can be turned into a course or another form of online content. If you’re unsure what type of course to create, consider joining a few beauty-related Facebook groups to see what type of questions people are asking. Keep in mind though, when you sell your courses through an online platform, the company keeps a percentage of the sale. Eventually, you might want to create your own website and use it to host the courses you create.
When trying to determine the type of business that’s best for you, consider all of the things you know how to do well. Then, take the list and narrow it down to your favorite options. Because these beauty-related business ventures don’t require a lot of startup cash, you can easily try a few options to see which one is the best fit for you.