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Running a Business Archive

5 Ways SEO Can Transform Your Business in 2022

Martin Castilla            No comments            Jan, 20
The digital age saw the rise of social media apps like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Yet, many people forget that this new age also ushered in advanced marketing techniques and trends for businesses everywhere. This rise in digitisation also

How to Effectively Manage & Engage A Diverse Workforce

Martin Castilla            No comments            Jan, 20
With life expectancy rates and the desire to work for longer only increasing amongst the general population, it isn’t hard to understand why the modern workplace is the most diverse workforce in a long time. While the idea of

Freelance invoice template for easier and faster invoicing

Martin Castilla            No comments            Nov, 19
When you work as a freelancer, you may take on a variety of various projects, ranging from content writing and visual design to online support and website development. Your customers may be unaware of the amount of time and

3 Things to get right when starting your own care home business

Martin Castilla            No comments            Oct, 21
There’s no doubt about it, running a care home business can be very profitable. It’s a major growth industry, with an aging population and an increasing amount of the adult population suffering from one or more chronic illnesses in

What is the GSA Multiple Award Schedule Solicitation?

Martin Castilla            No comments            Oct, 20
So, your company wants to become a GSA Multiple Award Schedule contractor. But how do you go about doing this? The first step is to respond to a GSA MAS Solicitation with a successful proposal. When a government customer

Importance of payroll software to small businesses

Martin Castilla            No comments            Oct, 8
It has been challenging for most small business owners to run and be responsible for every operation. From overseeing back-office tasks, sales, and marketing success to managing employees’ payments- a significant part in ensuring a happy and motivated staff. 

5 Proven Strategies to Attract New Customers and Grow Your Business

Martin Castilla            No comments            Sep, 17
In times when it’s never been easier to reach your potential customers through the wonders of the digital, ironically, it’s also never been more difficult to transform them into loyal clients.   Continually evolving industry trends, rising customer expectations, and

Peppol in the European Union

Martin Castilla            No comments            Sep, 8
PEPPOL in the European Union Many businesses in European countries have started to embrace the advantages of electronic invoices for growing and improving their business processes. The adoption of this solution is not actually a new thing. But we

Understanding the benefits of CMMS

Martin Castilla            No comments            Aug, 27
For the uninitiated, CMMS is a package that maintains a database detailing maintenance activities undertaken by a company or organisation. Short for Computerised Maintenance Management System, the software is designed to facilitate future maintenance work by providing a handy,

Why Solar for Business Is a Great Idea

Martin Castilla            No comments            Aug, 24
There are many compelling reasons to go solar, but some business owners are unaware of them and continue to use traditional energy sources. This is due to a lack of knowledge. Many businesses assume that solar for business is expensive

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