Five Facebook Marketing Tips to Try Right Now

Everyone is on Facebook these days. It’s just so hard to quit, which is why you must have a Facebook marketing strategy as well. One thing that is quite popular are explainer videos that give a short and sweet overview of your selected products and services. They are truly shareable.

For more tips, keep reading.

Save Your Audiences

To take back some of your time, it helps to create unique audiences for each of your Facebook campaigns. You can do this with Facebook’s Business Manager. To illustrate, you might have a target audience of people aged 18-35, who like dogs and live in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Then, save those audiences. So, whenever you create a new campaign, you don’t have to create a new audience–you can just pick one of your saved audiences. Plus, this is entirely free to set up.

And, it is ready for use whenever you are ready to launch your next campaign.

Get Used to Posting Explainer Videos

People might be interested in products or services, but they might not have any idea how it works. With fun, animated explainer videos, you can show your prospects all the ways they can use your products and services.

As a result, they can learn quickly and become more motivated to make a purchase. In addition, an explainer video doesn’t feel like advertising. People are interested in learning something new. As a result, the explainer video feels more educational than promotional–which, is exactly what people want.

Try Retargeting

First, you want to install Facebook’s tracking pixel on your website. Second, wait for people to visit. Now, you will know who has visited your website. These people stopped by for a reason.

As a result, you have a new set of leads. And, you can retarget these visitors as well. It only makes sense to advertise to people who have already visited your website.

Place a Call to Action on Your Facebook Page

Just like you do on your website, your Facebook page also needs a call to action. Although, you want to make sure it is easy to see. A good place would be right below your cover photo.

Facebook makes it easy since you can add a call to action button that tells people to contact you, buy now or something else. The button is an eye-catching blue so, visitors won’t miss it. And, it will be there until you change it.

So, it makes it simple and easy. Yet, it’s surprising how many Facebook business pages forget this very quick boost.

Respond to Messages Quickly

On Facebook, your response rate is public. The faster you respond, the better for your business. Fans want to know that you are available and responsive.

Try not to wait more than a couple of hours before responding. If you are inundated with messages, then it is probably time to hire someone to help with that aspect of customer service.

In Conclusion

In the modern age of marketing, you need to be where your prospects and customers are. And, you can be sure they are on Facebook.


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