Key Elements of Successful Workplace


If you feel that revamping your workplace might need what is missing for excellent business performance, there’s a chance you’re right. The workplace has a profound influence on how we work, and that’s why it must be carefully planned. It shouldn’t feel dull or overwhelming, have good airflow, and be equipped with the necessary gear. Here are some tips to turn your workspace into your best business partner.

Health and Safety First

The workplace is where many people spend most of their days. So, it shouldn’t only be cosy or look nice: it should be adapted to the ergonomic needs of those working there. It means choosing:

One of the crucial elements of feeling comfortable at your workplace is a well-selected keyboard. A bad keyboard can potentially lead to RSI.

Your office shouldn’t feel cluttered either. It can be particularly challenging to set up a small workplace. Make a floorplan of the entire space, including desks, chairs, file cabinets, etc. Small office spaces require clever use of the space on the walls. Use the walls to hang file organisers and calendars. Still, avoid cluttering the walls the same way you’ll avoid cluttering your office. Clear spaces look bigger than clogged ones, even with less area.

Home Offices


During the past two years, many professionals complained about working from home. While some would go way over the top and never shut down, others found it challenging to maintain a routine and keep the same productivity levels. If you’re working from home, the characterisation of your workplace is even more important.

If your office at home looks too much like your living room, it could be difficult to resist the temptation of lying on the couch. Ideally, there should be a room in the house exclusively for this purpose. Choose a quiet place with natural light; don’t overexpose furniture and devices to the sunlight. Wall-mounted desks can help with the lack of space; the same goes for file cabinets. Also, here, it’s essential to make your workplace enjoyable.

Essential Tools

Now that you’ve figured out what to do with your physical space, it’s time to consider what kind of software you’ll need to make it run smoothly. Read about them below.


Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) guarantee the safety of every communication within your company. It creates a virtual space where everything is encrypted. So, it’s highly recommended to protect sensitive information. Updated antiviruses are also mandatory for keeping the business safe.

Virtual Drives

It’s impossible to talk about group work today without mentioning virtual drives like OneDrive or Dropbox. Virtual drives allow users to access them wherever they are and take no physical space in the company’s hard disks.

Project Managers

Project management websites are also essential for effective organisation and distribution of tasks. It can be tricky to work with multiple teams or remotely without using project management software. Harvest, Slack, and Trello are some of the most popular options for the job.

End of Shift

Simplicity is surely a vital element of a successful workplace. Let the room breathe and save space for comfortable walking. Whether at home or the company, investing in your workplace means investing in your quality of life. Ultimately, it translates into better productivity.

Infographic Created By Corcentric – A B2B Payment Solutions Company



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